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Metabolic Boost Program

For many people, diet and exercise are not enough (or just plain don’t work).

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The Metabolic Boost Program

Your metabolism is a collection of hundreds of processes, all delicately balanced. It doesn’t take much to knock it off-kilter and there are countless ways for that to happen:  hormone changes, viruses, and bacteria, even changes in stress and sleep strain your metabolism.  


When that happens, diet and exercise alone might not rebalance the system, so the stubborn weight stays on and your metabolism continues to erode.

The CIH Metabolic Boost is an intensive program designed to uncover the root cause of your metabolic dysfunction, repair it, THEN start the boost. With a combination of lifestyle adjustments and at-home and in-clinic protocols, that hard-to-lose weight (or abnormal weight loss) is much more likely to balance out.

How it works:

Step One:


In Depth Medical Review

Our process starts with a 60-minute consult with our medical staff, followed by labs and bloodwork.  Online survey’s and 15-minute phone calls aren’t enough time to dig down and sideways into all the potential causes.  Real time with real medical staff and cutting edge labs will give us a complete picture of what’s going on.

Medical form with stethoscope

Step Three:


The Metabolic Boost


This 12-week phase consists of:

  • A kickoff meeting with our health coach to help fit this Boost into your life

  • Daily activities including:

    • A specific diet to follow based on your lab results

    • Exercise recommendations

    • Supplements

    • Peptides

  • Weekly nutrient IVs (in our clinic) or injections (at-home)

  • Monthly check-ins with your integrative medical provider or a health coach to check on progress and help remove obstacles

Super Health Food

Step Two:


An Individual Plan


Your Metabolic Boost Plan starts on Day 1 by removing the underlying issue(s) first. This step of the process, completely tailored to your situation, ensures your time, energy, and money spent on boosting metabolism aren’t wasted.

Women Practicing Yoga Outdoor

Step Four:


Setting your lifestyle for the long-term


While in your 12-week Metabolic Boost program, you’ll be asked to adhere to specific dietary goals.  At the end of the Boost, you’ll meet with an integrative health coach to help map out what pieces to carry forward and how.


We highly encourage you to keep meeting with a health coach periodically after the boost, as decades of research demonstrate that it helps forge changes that last.

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