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Case Integrative Health Blog
Read up on what Case Integrative Health's community and team are talking about through our updated blog.

Case Integrative Health
Aug 12, 20246 min read
Monthly Wellness Media Round Up
Welcome to our new monthly series, where we’ll be spotlighting a few wellness media appearances by our Case Integrative Health doctors....

Dr. Casey Kelley
Oct 12, 20222 min read
Mental Health Awareness Day: Tips from the Case Integrative Health Team
Monday, October 10th is World Mental Health Day. However, as an integrative and functional medical practice, we are keenly aware of the...

Dr. Rana Mafee
Aug 26, 20211 min read
Understanding Cognitive Decline- Dr. Rana Mafee on The Lindsey Elmore Show
Rana Mafee, MD, ABoIM is an expert in the field of neurodegenerative disease and preventative neurology. Integrative Neurologist Dr....

Dr. Rana Mafee
Jun 24, 20215 min read
Your Brain on Sugar
What is Sugar? Sugar is the everyday toxin. We are constantly bombarded with messaging that sugar is bad for us. The truth is that sugar...

Dr. Rana Mafee
Jun 17, 20212 min read
What's Next? Steps To Take If you Suspect Cognitive Decline
It is undisputed that the earlier one detects a decline in their or a loved one’s cognition, the better the chances of stopping...

Dr. Rana Mafee
Jun 10, 20212 min read
Early Signs of Cognitive Decline
Depending on the cause of the cognitive decline, symptoms can be variable. Since Alzheimer’s Dementia is the most common form of...

Dr. Rana Mafee
Jun 4, 20214 min read
The Different Kinds of Cognitive Decline
Cognitive decline is a very broad category, referring to a decline in one or more cognitive domains. These can include but are not...

Dr. Casey Kelley
Apr 15, 20214 min read
Getting your Mind Right: Microcurrent Neurofeedback
What’s going on in that head of yours? A lot is happening in your brain. 500 trillion neurons connect to form 125 trillion synapses in...
Dr. Rana Mafee
Mar 23, 20216 min read
Conquering Cognitive Decline
Chronic illness is on the rise: diabetes, autoimmune diseases, allergies, autism and developmental disorders to name a few. Arguably the...

Alex Moresco
Nov 30, 20203 min read
Essential Tremor: What You Need To Know (Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment)
December 8th-10th, you can join Case Integrative Health's Dr. Rana Mafee, MD, ABoIM for the Essential Tremor Speaker Series. Dr. Mafee...

Dr. Rana Mafee
Jun 24, 20206 min read
Stress and your Brain
Chronic stress can literally shrink your brain and reduce your ability to think. Fortunately, there are several things you can do, from lif

Alex Moresco
Apr 30, 20205 min read
Helping Us Heal: Cindy Luffred
“Our bodies, our homes, and the universe are always listening to our thoughts. They all want to show up to support us... to align with...

Dr. Rana Mafee
Feb 21, 20204 min read
The Power of Integrative Neurology
What can Integrative Neurology do beyond standard Neurology? Plenty. Follow one woman's health path working with a "Super Generalist".

Dr. Rana Mafee
Jan 24, 20203 min read
Integrative Neurology: What if your brain didn’t have to age?
Some phrases are really scary. For many, nothing is scarier than: Chronic Neurological Illness. What if we could fight back?

Dr. Casey Kelley
Dec 4, 20192 min read
Can a building help you heal? Part III: Lighting
We’ve all been there – the doctor’s office exam room. Typically, it’s a small, windowless room that is painted a bright, reflective...

Dr. Casey Kelley
Nov 14, 20192 min read
Can a building help you heal: Part II
Air is totally underrated. Usually we ignore it. If we’re not ignoring it, we’re probably complaining. “It’s too hot / cold / windy /...

Dr. Casey Kelley
Nov 5, 20192 min read
Can a building help you heal?
Case Integrative Health is building a clinic from a blank slate so ensure that it is restorative, calming and adds to your health!
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